Here at Hatchlings HQ, August means it's time for students (and fish) to start thinking about going back to school. Keep reading to learn how to participate in this underwater event!
In this article:
Back to School Event Series
The Eggadore 64 Homework Machine
Parts & Construction
Finding & Using Ingredients
"Recipe" Guide for Event Series
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs for diving
Detailed guide for building the homework machine
Back to School Event Series
The surest way to get these ultra-rare eggs is to build them in the new Eggadore 64 homework machine. Each egg is a "recipe" you can make from huntable "ingredients" (school supplies). They will also be huntable if you use a black key to unlock this special-event series in Egglantis.
The Eggadore 64 Homework Machine
(Read more about machines here.)
Make a machine, then use huntable "ingredients" (school supplies) to make all 7 Back to School eggs.
To build this hard-working new contraption, click on the gear at the top left of your screen. That opens the machines user interface, where you can build egg machines and review what's in your inventory. |
About machine slots: You’ll see when you go to build machines that there are four “slots” by default – like parking stalls in a garage. Everyone can access the first slot, and Premium members get another 2, for a total of 3. The last one displays as Locked, to indicate you can buy more slots for 500 shells, up to a maximum of 6.
Click on a slot to build a machine there, then click Select for the Eggadore 64 homework machine. To build it, you'll need the following parts (new this event): 20 Gears, 9 Spinnees, 15 spools of Tubing, and 7 Toggles.
Like all Egg Machines, you can use the Eggadore 64 three times before it needs to be rebuilt. Read more about destroying and rebuilding machines in our Egg Machines article.
If you want to see a more step-by-step illustration of building the machine, click here to skip to the end of the article.
How do I get parts to build the machine?
Machine parts are awarded for challenges.
Gears and Spinnees are awarded for challenges opened in New Yolk.
Tubing and Toggles are awarded for challenges opened in Egglantis.
How do I get and use ingredients?
Before you can make the Back to School eggs in the Eggadore 64, you'll need to find the ingredients by hunting in New Yolk and Egglantis. Each Back to School egg is a "recipe" you can make from huntable ingredient -- in this case, popular school supplies.
When you find an ingredient, you'll see a notification showing its addition to your inventory.
The full list of Back to School ingredients is Paper, Pencil, Book, Crayons, Ruler.
What ingredients can you find in each location?
New Yolk: Pencil and Paper.
Egglantis: Crayons, Book, and Ruler.
Two notes about Egglantis ingredients:
1. Rulers are only huntable in the Midnight Zone, the deep-dive location we first explored earlier this year. Try to catch all the fish while diving to make supplies likelier to appear.
2. The Egglantis huntables are egg-shaped but represent the same normal, pointy supplies.
What do I need to build each egg?
The Eggadore 64 window shows all the items it can make, along with the required ingredients for each, but we know you like to have a list beforehand, so here's a handy reference guide.
Watch this space for new answers to frequently asked questions.
Why didn't I get a challenge reward?
Because not every challenge gives a reward. See above.
How do I remember what I get where?
This image might help:
Why can't I build the new machine with my old parts?
Because they're not the same parts! Lots of machine parts look similar, but the Eggadore 64 uses proprietary Gears and Spinnees that only resemble generic cogs and wheels. So annoying, right?
Questions about diving and dark mode/Midnight Zone
Most of these are answered in the main Egglantis article, but we're duplicating them here for convenience.
Dive Tokens? What's that?
They're new in 2024, to help you explore the newly-discovered Midnight Zone.
Use Dive Tokens to fill up your new Oxygen Meter, then dive deep to find rarer eggs. You can find Dive Tokens drifting through Egglantis, or you can click on the Oxygen Meter to buy more.
Premium members can find a free Dive Token every day in the Dive Token Emporium by clicking on the Oxygen Meter.
What am I diving for?
Special and rare eggs, including previous Exclusive and event series. For example: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Midnight Zone (of course), Anglerfish, Deep Sea Fishing Lures, Moby Dick, Sea Monster, Squid, Whale, Ocean Mystery, Black Lagoon, and more.
How do I dive?
Collect Dive Tokens to fill up your Oxygen Meter -- you can find them hunting, and/or you can buy them by clicking on the oxygen tank icon. This is like the volcano meter with offerings and tokens in Sunny Side Cay. Once your oxygen tank is full, you'll see a "dive warning" countdown. This is a good time to empty your basket to make sure you have room for all the dark mode eggs you're about to capture.
What happens when I'm in the Midnight Zone?
Once you dive down to the Midnight Zone, you collect eggs by hovering over them, rather than with a single click. When your cursor is over a "dark-mode" egg, you'll see a red circle appear and start to turn green. Once the circle turns green, the special egg will fall into your basket. This is like the "Ghost Haunt" in the Haunted House.
Where do the O2 tokens go when I click on them?To your Oxygen Meter! Find it on the right side of the screen, under Play/Pause. |
What's the difference between the colors of Dive Tokens?Everyone can get the orange ones. Only Premium members get the silvery ones. |
How many tokens does it take to fill the Oxygen Meter? How do I know when the Oxygen Meter is full?We're not telling how many, but you will know the meter is full when the green goes to the top and you see the dive warning. |
Wait, HOW do I build this homework machine?
If you're new to machines and the main article didn't answer your questions, these screenshots may help you get started on your "homework assignments."
Click on the gear icon at the top left of your screen to open the Egg Machines dialog. You will see something that looks like this (probably with fewer spaces), along with instructions to select a machine slot.
Once you click on an open space, you'll see options for machine to build. Since we're focusing on the Back to School event, click Select on the Eggadore 64 homework machine.
Next, you'll see what parts are required, and if you have them, the option to Build This Machine. In this screenshot, the player has enough of 3 out of 4 required parts, but only half the required Spinnees, so that number is red and Build This Machine is gray.
When you have enough parts to build a machine, the button is no longer gray.
Click Build This Machine, then you will see the machine's status change to Building and a countdown will start. This machine will be ready in 15 minutes.
If you click on that Building Machine slot, you will see the option to pay shells to complete construction early. This is totally optional -- you should only click on this if you don't want to wait 15 minutes. The more time you pay to skip, the more expensive it will be. Here's what that looks like:
While you wait for construction to finish, you can go play as usual. When it's done, a red circle will notify you that something has finished. This happens when recipes are complete, too.
Now, when you open the machines dialog and click on the new machine, you'll see "recipes" you can make, as well as the ingredients they use.
When you click to select a recipe, you see the details of what's required to make it. As with machines, the color of the action button tells you if you can proceed, and the inventory counts are also color-coded. In the example below, the player doesn't not have enough rulers to make the Seahorse Sendoff (yellow arrows), but they can make the Octo-Art Teacher (green arrows).