What is “Next” and how is it different from “old” Hatchlings?
Hatchlings Next is the newest version of the game you know and love. It is easier to use, more secure, and relies less on Facebook to operate (though you will still log in with your Facebook credentials).
The overall Hatchlings experience will not change much, but you will notice improvements in navigation, search, profile features, sending eggs to Sheldon, and a mobile-responsive user interface.
Jumbo eggs, Player Search, Sharing Lists, and removable backgrounds are popular new features!
Hatchlings Next is the new home for events, tradeposts, sales, travel, feature launches, and other special happenings.
How do I get into Hatchlings Next?
Use a regular browser (Chrome or Safari, not the Facebook app) to go to https://next.hatchlings.com.
It will still ask you to log in with your Facebook username and password, but you won't be going to a Facebook page, you'll be returning to the main Hatchlings page.
Trouble logging in to Hatchlings Next?
If you tried logging in to Hatchlings Next, but didn’t see what you were expecting, read this article.
Key takeaways:
- If something doesn't look right, log out of Hatchlings AND out of Facebook in the same browser, then log in to Hatchlings again -- especially if you share a device with another Hatchlings player.
- Use a regular browser (not the Facebook app) to go to next.hatchlings.com.
What will happen to my stuff?
We will move your profile, score, shells, eggs, storage, and everything else into Next. Your Network and friends lists will be there, too.
Note: At this time, presents will only show up in the same game version where you purchase them.
Will my device work with Next?
We support the following devices/browsers:
- Laptops, desktops, and other devices using Chrome
- Laptops, desktops, and other devices using Safari
- iPads using iOS 13 or higher
We do NOT support the following devices/browsers:
- Edge browser on laptops, desktops, or other devices
- Kindle Fire
Okay, I logged into Next, but where are my friends?
Most people's friends lists migrate just fine, but if you notice an issue with yours, go to the Friend Manager and look for Import Friends. This imports your Hatchlings friends, not your whole Facebook friends list.
What if I find other issues with Next?
If you have a question about something in Next, you can search our Help Center above; if you have issues to report or features to request, use the “contact” link at the bottom of the sidebar.
Read more about contacting us here.