What is the Vault?
The Vault is like an inbox for your eggs! To open your Vault, click the Vault icon in the right-hand icon tray.
Eggs that are gifted to you from other players, eggs that you’ve purchased with Shells, eggs you’ve earned as prizes during events, and eggs that you’ve claimed from your network’s FFA will all go to your Vault for you to claim. If you are Premium, eggs that you pull from your storage will also go to your Vault.
Eggs claimed from your Vault will fall into your basket, and you can gift them, store them, or send them to your network from there. If you have open challenges, any challenge eggs will be checked off when you claim them from your Vault, and will be considered “used” eggs (i.e. you won’t be able to gift or store them after that).
Eggs in your Vault expire after seven (7) days, so be sure to claim them promptly!
I claimed an egg from my vault, but now I can’t find it!
If you lose track of an egg, you can reclaim it from your Vault history for up to seven days.
Click here for more information about how to reclaim lost eggs.