There are two main kinds of keys in Hatchlings: Collection Keys and Challenge Keys.
This is a guide to Collection Keys. Read our Guide to Challenges to learn about Challenge Keys.
You've seen those friendly little faces smiling back at you from the bottom of your Collections menu —they're they keys that will unlock new collections for you to hunt!
The colors of those keys correspond to the collection colors that show egg rarity (read up on that here). There are some exceptions for a couple special types of keys and series, but we'll get to those in a minute. In general, white keys unlock white collections, red keys unlock red collections, and so on. The Collection Keys depict colorful mischievous bunnies from Hatchlings lore and are shown below:
What about those special Collection Keys? Turtle Keys show Sheldon's face and unlock all colors of normal collections (everything besides Exclusive series). Diamond keys are light blue and open Exclusive series. NOTE: Golden Challenge Keys are also special, but they open 24-hour challenges, not new collections—more on those here. |
How do I get more keys?
Earn colored keys to unlock new collections when you complete open collections. Completing a collection is the same thing as closing a series. Do this by clicking the green Complete Collection button after you find all the eggs in a series. |
Earn Turtle Keys by completing enough collections to level up. You can also buy a Turtle Key any time from the Keys section of the main Hatchlings Marketplace.
Get Diamond Keys either of two ways: from the Keys section of the main Hatchlings Marketplace, or from another player who's already opened all available Exclusive collections.