Recipe events are special challenge-based events in Hatchlings where you earn extra rewards for completing the challenges assigned to you. Different Hatchlings characters will take turns hosting these events, but they always cook up a good time!
How does it work?
During a recipe challenge event, all challenges are randomly assigned special "recipes" (just like at home, you don't always get to pick what's on the menu!).
Just like a normal challenge, you’ll have 24 hours to complete each recipe challenge. In addition to the normal challenge prize, each recipe you complete will earn you a bonus reward, like special event currency, event-exclusive eggs, shells, loaded Challenge Keys, and more!
During the event, you're welcome complete as many recipe challenges as you can—whether you wait for your free daily keys or use loaded Challenge Keys for even more chances at event rewards.
All challenges, daily and loaded, are recipe challenges during these special events, so roll up your sleeves and let's get cooking!
How do I claim my recipe rewards?
You don't need to do anything besides complete your challenges to claim recipe rewards.
When you complete a recipe challenge, you’ll receive prize shells as usual, and your bonus recipe rewards will automatically be credited to you.
How long do I have to complete recipes?
Most recipe challenge events last for a month, but you can open the recipe event screen to view how much time is left. If you have unfinished recipe challenges when the event ends, you can still complete them for the usual reward of shells, but you will not get the special event rewards.
Watch our Facebook Page and your in-game Message Center for event updates and announcements.